Accessibility Standards Development Co-Design Research

Regulating the Digital Domain and the Review of the Review (RotR) projects are assisting Accessibility Standards Canada in developing standards development processes and activities that are accessible and inclusively designed.
Our goal is to review the approach to standards development from the preliminary stages through to public review and provide advice, guidance, and recommendations to improve inclusion and accessibility as well as foster co-development of the standards with communities most impacted by them.
Throughout these projects, people with disabilities will lead the direction and outcomes of research as we carve a path toward equitable and inclusive digital systems.
In this co-research activity, participants and co-researchers learned about the standards development process, played a collaborative game to develop a standard and then “hacked” the game to make the standards development process more inclusive and accessible to the community.
- Session 1 - Tuesday, January 9, 2024: Education session led by Collinda Joseph, Manager of Accessibility and Education Accessibility Standards Canada, Government of Canada
- Session 2 - Tuesday, January 16, 2024: Play the Game
- Session 3 - Tuesday, January 23, 2024: Hack the Game