Inclusive AI for HR

How to Make Artificial Intelligence Inclusive for Hiring and HR
Panelists Shea Tanis and Rich Donovan will highlight some of the potential problems that arise from AI in the hiring process and brainstorm ideas to make this process more inclusive for persons with disabilities.
The ideas that are generated from this webinar will provide insights for the development of standards and regulations that support diversity within data systems, with a particular focus on the ethical and transparent collection of data and the development of models and decision-making structures that recognize and respond to diversity.
December 1, 2020, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM (EST)
Inclusive AI for HR webinar video
Inclusive AI for HR transcript
Shea Tanis is the Director for Policy and Advocacy at the Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities at the University of Colorado. She is nationally recognized for her expertise in applied cognitive technology supports, cognitive accessibility and advancing the rights of people with cognitive disabilities to technology and information access.
Rich Donovan is CEO of the Return on Disability Group and is a globally recognized subject matter expert on the convergence of disability and corporate profitability. He has spent more than ten years focused on defining and unlocking the economic value of the disability market. In 2006 Rich founded Lime, the leading third-party recruiter in the disability space, where he worked with Google, PepsiCo, Bank of America/Merrill Lynch, IBM, TD Bank and others to help them attract and retain top talent from within the disability market.
Dr. Vera Roberts is Senior Manager Research, Consulting and Projects at the Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) at OCAD University. Vera’s primary research area is generating a culture of inclusion through outreach activities and implementation of inclusive technology and digital sharing platforms.
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You will learn:
- How AI in hiring systems impacts the employment of people with disabilities
- How to better develop AI-based hiring systems that are inclusive and transparent for people with disabilities
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- Watch the accessible Inclusive AI for HR webinar
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