Explore IDRC project activities
Conférence Un Canada accessible, Un monde accessible
Organisée par le IDRC, en partenariat avec l'Université Concordia, la conférence CAMA, qui se tiendra les 27 et 28 mai 2024, est un événement international consacré à l'avancement de l'accessibilité et de la conception inclusive.
Cette conférence est l'occasion de cocréer des ressources et de partager les connaissances et les enseignements tirés de l'avancement de l'accessibilité et de l'inclusion. Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous dans cet effort de collaboration et à veiller à ce que l'agenda mondial de l'accessibilité soit guidé par les personnes en situation d’handicapées. Ensemble, nous pouvons rendre le Canada et le monde plus accessibles et plus inclusifs pour tous.

Accessible Canada, Accessible World Conference
Organized by IDRC, in partnership with Concordia, the Accessible Canada, Accessible World conference on May 27-28, 2024, is an international event dedicated to advancing accessibility and inclusive design.
This conference is an opportunity to co-create resources and to share knowledge and lessons learned in advancing accessibility and inclusion. We invite you to join us in this collaborative effort, and to ensure that the global accessibility agenda is guided by people with disabilities. Together, we can make Canada and the world more accessible and inclusive for everyone.

Informing Standards for Acoustics and the Built Environment
IDRC partnered with Carleton University's Accessibility Institute on the Informing Standards for Acoustics and the Built Environment project.

Communication Access within the Accessible Canada Act Reports
Communication Access within the Accessible Canada Act project ended in March of this year with 26 recommendations to improve communication access within federal government services.

Equitable Digital Systems Final Research Report
Future of Work: Equitable Digital Systems (EDS) project team is excited to share the outcomes of a nearly three-year collaboration — during COVID.

A Clusive Success Story
Clusive is a free, flexible, adaptive and customizable learning environment. It is a web application for students and teachers that addresses access and learning barriers present in digital and open learning materials.

Ensuring Equitable Outcomes from Automated Hiring Processes: An Update
For this article, Antranig is considering this problem in the context of corporate apologies for technological practice and initiatives such as data feminism that seek to transfer power from privileged groups to those at the margins of society.

The Future of Work and Disability
The Future of Work and Disability project formed a study group to understand and examine intersecting topics of AI, automation, standards and employment as they relate to persons with disabilities.

The Accessibility Ecosystem Proposal
To say that the route to almost all essential services is through digital systems is stating the obvious. Despite this reality, more than twenty-five years of regulations requiring accessible digital technology, a plethora of guidelines and resources to support accessibility, and a thriving industry checking and repairing inaccessible websites, people who require alternative ways to access digital systems face ever-multiplying barriers.

Exploring Bias in Hiring Tools
This video presentation examines how AI technology is utilized in recruitment and selection, its implications for candidates with disabilities, and the question of accessibility and diversity.