Explore IDRC project activities
Environmental Scan: Addressing Inclusionary Practice in Canadian AI Firms
An overview of key findings from the AI Firm portion of the environmental scan conducted by the We Count team in May 2020.

Environmental Scan: Assessing Inclusionary Practice in Canadian Data Services
An overview of key findings from the Data Service Provider portion of the environmental scan conducted by the We Count team in May 2020.

Environmental Scan: Canadian Postsecondary Education and AI Ethics
An overview of key findings from the Postsecondary Education portion of the environmental scan conducted by the We Count team in May 2020.

Update on City of Toronto Data for Equity Strategy
The Data for Equity Strategy will support city divisions to collect socio-demographic data and to analyze, use and apply disaggregated data to inform equitable program planning and service delivery.

How Virtual Care Is Revolutionizing Digital Health
Dr. Jutta Treviranus collaborated in the District 3 panel “How Virtual Care Is Revolutionizing Digital Health” in October 2020.

Journeys through the Digital Innovation Appendix of the Master Innovation and Development Plan
We Count worked with stakeholders to envision how the proposed technologies for the proposed Quayside “Smart City” project in Toronto could impact individuals with disabilities and their networks.

Continuing Our Work During COVID-19
A message from IDRC Director Jutta Treviranus about continuing our mission during COVID-19.

We Count Evaluates Toronto’s Quayside Master Innovation and Development Plan
Project We Count evaluated the MIDP for Toronto’s Quayside from the perspective of persons in Toronto who have difficulty with or are excluded by the current urban plan.

The Importance of Peripheral Vision
Jutta Treviranus was invited to contribute this essay related to We Count to Some Thoughts, a collection of essays on smart cities.