We Count: Artificial Intelligence Inclusion Projects from Inclusive Design Research Centre

"TechShops": Engaging Young Adults with Intellectual Disability in Exploratory Design Research

This case study presents “TechShops”, a collaborative workshop-based approach to learning about technologies with Young Adults with Intellectual Disability (YAID) in exploratory design research. The “TechShops” approach emerged because we found it difficult to engage YAID in traditional contextual interviews. Hence, we offered a series of “TechShops”, which we found useful in: enabling engagement with participants, their families and support staff; fostering relationships; and gaining research access. We explain the context of “TechShops”, and reflect upon the opportunities and challenges that the approach offers for both researchers and YAID in exploratory design research.

Focus: AI and Disability/Outliers
Source: CHI 2019
Readability: Intermediate
Type: Website Article
Open Source: No
Keywords: “TechShops,” contextual interviews, intellectual disability, engagement, co-design workshops
Learn Tags: Disability Framework AI and Machine Learning Solution
Summary: A workshop-based case study that explores how young adults with intellectual disabilities use social media and how their activities can be supported through co-design.