We Count: Artificial Intelligence Inclusion Projects from Inclusive Design Research Centre

To Study Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resource Management

In this competitive business world, for any kind of business the human resource ( HR) is an mandatory asset /input for improving the organizational performance. To be successful, organizations have to strive for higher customer – satisfaction which is vital key for their survival, and to achieve this, organizations have to adopt innovative hr – practices to improve their performance and be different among its competitors. In near future, HRM is moving away from its foundation administrative functionality like recruitment, selection, appraising to more advanced progress like Automation, Augmented Intelligence, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence that are completely re – defining and re – shaping the way of their workforce characteristics and organizations. At, present the buzz word is AI and how it is completely transforming the human resources , and how AI is seizing millions of jobs globally in each and every sector. However, hr is not traditionally associated with this emerging technology, failure to deploy AI with hr practices could prove to be a dreadful sin which makes the organizations difficult to grow big and survive in this globe driven by these advanced technologies and machines. Global workforce is completely threatened by AI and advanced self learning machines and they are wiping away the interference or involvement of humans in each and every aspect. But, in reality any advanced technology that is created and used for the benefit of humanity not for its destruction. To compete with AI and advanced machines the real challenge now lie’s within the respective hr – departments that how well they train and re-transform their workforce in understanding the AI and collaborating and working with AI & Robots.

Focus: Employment
Source: IRJET
Readability: Expert
Type: PDF Article
Open Source: No
Keywords: N/A
Learn Tags: AI and Machine Learning
Summary: The authors in this piece looks at the various ways in which AI technologies are reshaping the talent management space.